Monday, April 14, 2008


Happy Belated Birthday Yun Xin!

Speaking of birthdays, my dad just celebrated his 56th birthday a few days ago. We went high and low to search for a cake at one of his favourite cake shops, Pine Garden Cake Shop, but ended up with a Sweet Secret one because it was closed at mid-day on a rainy thursday. -_-" It was also closed at mid-day on a sunny monday so there's a high possibility that they're closing... -_-"

I bought him a coffee mug which which came in a overly decorated box. Only thing it lacked was a velvet backing inside the box to become some gift for kings or nobility or something.. haha..

More jacfruit pictures! This time with my grandma. Unfortunately, the jackfruit won't be able to get any larger because my dad cut it prematurely so as to spite potential jackfruit thieves! He claimed to have already seen some woukd-be thieves cycling up and down the street looking covertly at the giant jackfruit a few days before he harvested it! ha!

More on birthdays, i attended my NS pltmate's birthday last Sat at a Changi chalet. To my dismay, there was no BBQ!! haha... Instead, we had catered food in abundance with odd things that you don't expect to see together during dinner like sushi and curry. Only a few of my mates went for it so it was kinda sad that we didn't get to meet up. After Uni starts, i guess time would become even more precious again... sigh...


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