Saturday, September 24, 2005


Recently i started to read ATMP, no thanks to Daryl's influence.. *ahem* For all those who don't know what that is, its called "Alk the Monkey Pirate". An old ACSI joke (i guess..i'm not from Ac Si) *winks* that revolves around Alan and his motley crew of simians. Its co-written by Aaron & Alan and there's a small comic-strip on Mr Cow, Alan's space buddy, as well! Well worth a viewing if you want stitches...and a wheelchair.
Oh, has anyone tried past year RJC/HCJC Maths papers? They're crazy lah! 2 marks for a 10 line answer and the likes of it... Are their marking poitns worth 1/9999 marks or what? I couldn't even do 1/2 the paper. (as usual) Either that or its because my Maths is so rusty that normal questios appear so hard... aiyo.. I'm lagging behind either way. =(
Oh.. before i forget, here's a Very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jared (25th Sept) and DinoZhang!(26th Sept) Its been graet having you both as my friends! Well, all the best in your studies and remember that although you're legally 18, don't go nuts over alcohol, driving, gambling & pubbing. =) yup... and remember too that i'm your senior. Come pay your respects to me! =p


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