Monday, May 09, 2005


Losing two people you know in 1 week can really be a painful experience. Don't really know how to describe it but it seems as though life just goes on as normal when things really aren't the way it once was. And might never be the same again. Sigh... i think the 2 deaths have impacted the college in more ways than just grief... I was left wondering about the value of life and how precious a thing it is to be able to live for God. If so, then why suicide? wasn't Kris's life more than enough as a testimony as to how beautiful life can be when lived for God and that it should be treasured, not wasted? why..why...why... Life...fragile, wasted...

i'm caught between mourning and proceeding with life. I just dunno how to react to death...esp of friends, whose lives i could've saved had i known them better. Sometimes i just delude myself into thinking all is normal again but reality has a way of sneaking in again...

Today's NAPFA went well. I managed to scrape a D for my pull-ups, which made me super-happy. (My months of training weren't in vain. In total i scored either 20 or 21 out of 30 points, making it the best NAPFA i took. Other than that, nothing really made an impact on my mind... sigh....


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